What are alternative assessments?
Alternative assessments focus on learners creating a response to a question, prompt, or a task. They allow you to see what students can do and can’t do, versus what they know and do not know. They tend to assess how proficient a student is at doing something, rather than simply measuring knowledge.
Examples of alternative assessments include:
- Working through a case study or scenario
- Designing a concept map
- Developing a brochure
- Building a portfolio
- Designing a poster
- Designing and delivering a presentation
What are features of alternative assessments?
What examples can I browse?
Websites In Your Course
This website showcases both student and faculty experiences with alternative assessments – specifically website development. Stories are told, examples are shared, and guidance is provided for designing alternative assessments in your own course!
H5P Game Template
This template allows students to create and showcase their games to classmates and viewers outside TRU
What resources are available to use or adapt?
Inclusive Poster Design Website
This website shares helpful resources that support inclusive poster design
WordPress Video Template
This WordPress video template allows students to showcase their videos to classmates and viewers outside TRU by simply filling in a form. Contact us to modify this for use in your course!
Twine Game Example
Learn how to make your first Twine with this fun and interactive website
Wiggins, G., & McTighe, J. (2005). Understanding by Design (2nd ed.). Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
Rousseau, P. (2018). Best Practices in Alternative Assessments. Toronto Metropolitan University.